Today went by fast. Woke up, read Ephesians commentary. It is hard for me to remember what I read this morning, but that reading time still blessed me. I think the reason I don't remember is because I did not meditate. Ephesians 2 was about God's grace and God's initiative in saving us. The latter verses describe what Christ did at the cross, making a "third race" aboloshing the division that was between Jew and Gentile. Chapter 3 is paul's prayer, that the saints would know the love of God and that Christ would permeate our whole body and soul. That has been on my mind lately. Grace is not only forgiveness, by divine enablement. Grace is fellowship with the Father through the Son by the Spirit. Grace is discipelship under the one whose yoke is easy and burden is light. Grace is walking with Jesus hand in hand. Grace is doing things with Jesus, not by myself. I have been struggling to love my brother, because I try to will it from myself. Rather, I must learn to love my brother by loving Jesus first. When I am loving Christ, hearing his words so clearly, then love for my brother and my enemies will become easy. Why? Because I hear the meekness and love and graciousness of the words of my Lord. My thoughts need to be center on Christ, mastered by Christ, and His presence needs to be real to me. I think this is what walking by the Spirit is. Hearing the words of Christ, penetrating my everythought, and humbling listening to Him rather than willfully rejecting Him and chosing my own way. Even through my failures, Christ is still gracious, unlimited in patience. Love is what conquers lust, the pride of life, selfishness. O Lord, help me see your love once again I pray, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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