I have been trying to fight my sin and temptations in my own strength and I find out I fail miserably. I keep resolving to "try again" and try better but always end up coming short. I am reminded once again that I am a sinner. There is nothing righteous or good or lovely in me because I have rebelled against a holy and pure God. The only thing that is going to help me fight sin is reminding myself of the gospel and the full forgivness of Jesus Christ and his full atonement.

Jesus came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. He came to give his life as a ransom for many. He went to calvary, shed his blood, was buried, and three days rose again. By the power of his indestructible life, he lives forever as a High Priest who intercedes on my behalf. Not only that, he is coming back again to save us, "For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him" (1 Thessolonians 5:9). In other words, Jesus accomplishes salvation for us in the past, present, and future. How I need his present work to save me from the weakness of my flesh. I hate the guilt, and shame, and failures of sin. I hate griveing the Holy Spirit. I hate dishonoring the Lord. I find myself weak when I am not captured by grace.

I am glad that my salvation is not ultimately depended on my love for God, but God's love for me in Christ. My love fluctuates, His love remains the same. I change, God does not change. I am wretched, He bore my wretchedness on the cross. I am guilty of sin, he bore my guilt on the cross. I have shame, He was left naked on the cross to take my shame. I feel abandoned when I sinned, He was abandoned by the Father so that the promise "I will never leave your nor forsake you" will come true for in my life.

Father in Heaven,
Please forgive me of my sin. Forgive me for not living the life I should live. But thank you that Your Son lived the life I should have lifed. Thank you that he died the death I should have died. Thank you for his merciful blood that washes me and makes me holy and blameless and above reproach. Thank you for the gospel.

In the name of the Living Savior who is my High Priest,

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