We live in a fallen world. Furthemore, we are sinful human beings needing grace everday. No one is perfect (Romans 3:23). How can we endure the crazy trials of life? How do we deal with financial, marital, familial, and spiritual brokeness?

WORSHIP. I need to understand the work of my Savior. He came into this world to free me from the bondage of self, the flesh, and the devil. I need to look at him who was crucified for me. I need to find my satisfaction in His love above all earthly pleasures. I sin and fall so many times. But I can rest assured that my Jesus has loved me and gave his life for me. At the cross, I can come back asking for forgiveness for my moral and spiritual failures. I can embrace God the Father because Jesus was the revelation of the Father (John 14:6). I can come to the Father because Jesus died on my behalf to make me holy and blameless and above reproach before him.

Lord, teach me to worship. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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