Maturity in life is when someone is living joyfully within their God given limits

Much of burnout is a result of giving what we do not possess

Christian leaders all too often allow themselves to be disrespected, allowing people to speak to them and about them in ways that are inappropriate-Emotionally Healthy Church

These quotes really spoke to my heart. I have been a horrible steward of maintaining boundaries these past two years. I thought I could do everything. I really love Jesus and want to serve Him in anyway I can. But I do not possess all the gifts. God has given me limits so that the body may function properly. I felt like I needed to go after every straying member, disciple every person, and teach constantly while at the same time working and going to school full-time.

Alex, it's ok to say no. You are not god. God is good and sovereign. It is not what you do for God that brings you salvation. It is what Christ has done for you. You must serve of out gratitude found in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Lord, teach me to say "no" and embrace my limits and set proper boundaries. If your Son said "no" to people, how much more do I who is flawed and sinful? Teach me to trust you and really discern what my gifts and joy are. In Jesus Name, Amen.

One Comment

  1. Hey Alex! It's been a while since we last got together to catch up! Take care 'til then!
