"So today, at the end of the twentieth century, we have a phenomenon unthinkable in any other century: churchless Christians. There is a vast herd of professed Christians who exist as nomadic hitchhikers without accountability, without discipline, without discipleship, living apart from the regular benefits of the the ordiances...The entire Christian Life is about commitment-first and above all to Christ, but also to the Church, to family, to marriage, to friendship, to ministry...Men, on the most elementary level, you do not have to go to church to be a Christian. You do not have to go home to be married either. But in both cases if you do not, you will have a very poor relationship." Disciplines of a Godly Man, Kent Hughes

If you love God, you will love God's people. If you are committed to Christ, you will be committed to Christ's sheep.

A healthy Christian commits to:

  1. Regular Attendance of the Church (Understand the Priority of the Church)
  2. Membership (View the Church as a Family)
  3. Giving to the Church (Israelites gave about 25% of their income)
  4. Participation (Serving, Teaching, Preaching, Leading)
  5. Love and Prayer (Discipleship, Intercession, Servanthood)

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