I was reading Luke this morning, and was once again reminded that following Christ means committing your whole life to him. Judgment is soon coming to a world in rebellion against him. People make many excuses so that they would not follow the Savior. EVERYTHING has to be invested in the kingdom. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. God also commands me to be merciful to those who cannot repay me back. God you have to burn in me a passion for your name's sake. I also read that no one can follow Christ unless he hates his own father and mother and brother and wife and anything else that will not exalt Christ in one's life. This does not mean literally hate your parents, but it means that you cannot love your family or anything more than Christ. Where is my heart? What do I love? Is Christ the love of my life? Does my time show it? Does my actions show it? Does my love for other believers show it? Does my money show it? God, please remove any inconsistencies in my life. Show me the reality of the kingdom. Those who would follow Christ must take up their crosses daily and renounce all things daily for the sake of the Kingdom of God which is coming in glory.

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