My wife and I were giving counsel to a good brother in the Lord yesterday concerning Biblical Manhood. I believe it was not only helpful advice for him, but a good reminder for me and anyone else that wants to be be a godly man. Here are some helpful principles:

1. Direction

A man of God knows where he is going in life. Although it may not be completely and absolutely clear in the moment, he has some sense of direction and purpose in life. Direction (for a Christian) is obviously grounded in God's Word. A man must know that he is called to salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. He must know that he is called to spread the gospel locally and globally. He must know that he is suppose to love the Church and his own family. Take care of these things, and I believe God will take care of the rest.

2. Discipline

Discipline in Greek could also be translated "training" "exercise", where we get the word "gymnasium" from. A man of God disciplines himself for the purpose of godliness (1 Tim. 4:7-8). Discipline includes both physical and spiritual training. A man must have right sleeping patterns, a healthy diet (something I need to work on), regular exercise, and just simply getting things done in life. Spiritually, a man must know the Word of God. He reads his Bible everyday. He prays to the God of the Bible everyday. He spends time with the Saints so that he can be sharpened and refined. He spends time serving others. He spends time witnessing to others. A man must discipline himself so that he can be both healthy physically and more important spiritually.

3. Dependability

Every great man of God is a faithful man of God. In other words, he is faithful first and foremost to Jesus Christ. He follows Christ no matter what the cost: through pain and suffering, through blood and tears, through life and death. Second, he is faithful to his family. He is committed to his wife (if he has one) and committed to his own family. Those who do not provide for their own household are worse than unbelievers (1 Tim. 5:8). Third, he is faithful to the Church. He gathers with the Church regularly, consistently, and joyfully. He loves being in the house of worship. He loves hearing the Word of God preached. He loves singing about the Savior who died for Him. Fourth, he is faithful to evangelize the lost. Paul told Timothy to "do the work of an evangelist" (2 Tim. 4:5). He knows that people are lost and are in need of a Savior. He prays for opportunities to reach the lost. He is always aware of unbelieving lost people and out of compassion he wants to reach out to them.

4. Devotion

He is a devoted man. In other words, he lives to serve others. He serves because the Lord Jesus Christ has served and has been devoted to him. Great devotion calls for great sacrifice. This is what the Lord Jesus has shown us. He was so devoted to the Father's glory, that He would willingly, obediently, and even joyfully die on a bloody cross to redeem us from our sin (Heb. 12:1-3). Now that's devotion!

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