1. Be Patient

Church reform does not happen within weeks, months, but years. Be patient. Love God's people.

2. Preach the Word

Let the Word of God be the ignites church reform. Preach expositionally through books of the Bible. Preach on Church Discipline, the Church, Membership, Discipleship, Evangelism. "Marks of a Christian" Lessons from the book of 1 John. "Pastoral Reflections on Church Ministry" Lessons from the book of 1 Timothy. "Who is Jesus Christ" Studies from the Book of Mark.

3. Create a Culture of Discipleship

Model discipleship through your own life. Spend time with people. Eat with people. Pray with people. Call people. Invest in people. Read the Word with people.

4. Create a culture of Evangelism

Intentionally pray and engage non-Christians. This includes my personal family members, friends, kids and parents at future america.

5. Serve the Community

Think about creative ways to outreach to the community. Community picnics? 4th of July Events? Memorial day events? BBQs?

6. Fight the major battles, not minors.

Don't fight the secondary issues within the church. Be discerning in which issues to tackle.

7. Pray your heart out.

Only God can grant reform through His Word by the power of the Holy Spirit. God desires to answer my prayer for his glory to be known and shown. God desires all men to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ (1 Tim 2:1-7). 

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