I'm currently  reading Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching and gathered many insightful thoughts.

1. The Word of God must be central to ministry

A reminder that God still communicates to us today through his written Word. Preachers, then, must labor to preach the word accurately in its historical-grammatical, literary, syntactical, authorial, and proper contexts.

2. The Word of God must affect the preacher first before it affects the hearers

Joel Beeke argues that expository preaching is not just running commentary or sound exegesis. The preacher must experience himself what he is trying to communicate. It other words, preachers need to be authentic in their preaching. He argues we can cultivate a heart for God by meditation on the word, prayer, journaling, and other various means of grace.

3. The Word of God must be communicated through simplicity and illustrations

R.C. Sproul argued that Luther was an effective preacher because he used illustrations that even children could understand. "Illustrate, Illustrate, Illustrate" was his motto. We must illustrate abstract concepts through concrete pictures and symbols and our observations of the world.

4. Preach through Consecutive Books of the Bible

This will allow the "whole counsel of God" to be preached and help avoid preacher's hobby horses. I want to preach through 1 John in the future.

5. Preaching is foolishness to the unbeliever

We must remember we preach Christ and Him crucified (1 Cor 2:2). Preaching will offend those who reject the Lordship of Christ. We seek to be faithful and trust God for the results. Preaching the Word is analogous to farming. Farmers need to continue to sow the word in spite of seeing lack of fruit. God will ultimately cause the growth in his timing.

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