Taken from 9marks.org. Here is Greg Gilbert's insightful article:


The work of church reform can look a little like a jungle when you’re in the thick of it. Where do I go from here? Where do I even start? What do you do first? What should you ignore? What’s the goal I should be working toward?
Of course, every situation will be different, but I think there’s also a general pattern that sets a pretty good course for guys trying to lead a church in reform. Here’s a short roadmap that might help you keep your bearings as you move forward.
1. Preach the Word.
First, preach the Word. This is not just step one; it is the air you breathe. Always and as long as the Lord gives you breath, preach the Word. It is God’s Word that gives life, and it is God’s Word that the Holy Spirit uses to shape a church into the image of Jesus. If you don’t do this—faithfully, accurately, and well—reforming the church won’t matter anyway.                                   
Also, a huge part of reforming a church is constantly teaching your congregation about the biblical foundations for what you’re doing. At every step along the way, you’ll have to teach them—about membership, about elders, about deacons, about congregationalism, and even about the meaning of the church itself. The teaching component of reform is never done. In fact, it clears the way for everything else.
2. Learn the Polity.
Second, learn your church’s polity. If you’re going to reform a church rather than start it from scratch, you have to know its polity. You have to know how to change things. What do you have to do to change the rules? To elect leaders? To bring members in or see them out? How does it all work? You as the reforming pastor need to know the existing rules better than anybody in the church. If you don’t—if you just try to steamroll things—you’ll create massive problems for yourself because people will feel cheated. It’s usually easier for someone to swallow defeat if they feel it’s been above board. You want to create a rebellion against you? Ignore the rules.
3. Get to Know the Gatekeepers.
Third, get to know the gatekeepers. Every church has pressure points of authority, people who are in key positions of leadership, whether formal or informal. In a situation that needs reform, a good number of those gatekeepers—by definition—are going to be problematic. Otherwise the church would have reformed itself before you got there.
In order to reform a church, then, get to know those people. Spend time with them before you offend them, and find out what they value, how they communicate, and how they can be persuaded. It’s helpful to know which of those people can influence others of them, and where those people are going to be helpful to you at different points in the reform. If the deacon chairman likes the idea of elders but hates the idea of meaningful membership, lean on him when you get to elders, but don’t count on him when you’re dealing with membership.
4. Get Some Help.
Fourth, get some help. You can’t do a reform alone. You want other people to think through it with you, to look at ideas and identify the ninety percent of them that are bad, and to talk you down from doing stupid things and talk you into doing things that are good but unpleasant. It doesn’t have to be formal; you don’t need to elect men to fill this role. But you do want them to “buy in” to the reform, almost as much as you yourself have. You want them to feel the weight of it, to care about it deeply, and to have not a thought in their brains of leaving you high and dry if the going gets tough. Look for men you’d nominate as elders if you could. They need to be not just big voices, but peacemakers and persuaders, encouragers and spine-stiffeners. If you can find even one or two men like that to walk alongside you, your work will be immeasurably more bearable.
5. Make Membership Meaningful.
Fifth, make membership meaningful. This is one of the first things you can do in a reform, and the good thing is that most pastors will be able to do at least part of this without any formal change to a rule. It probably won’t require a congregational vote. Even if you’re culturally required to keep letting people into membership after they “walk the aisle” of the church, most pastors will at least be able to make a case that it would be good for him to speak with prospective members before they’re allowed to join. Then, when you meet with them, you can make sure they understand the gospel and are actually Christians. Not only that, but you should also begin, early in the reform, to make your membership rolls more accurately reflect your attendance. If there are people on your rolls who have not attended the church in decades, you should probably remove them. The decisions about the various steps of reform in your church should be made by people who actually have a vested interest in the church, not people who simply show up for crucial votes and then disappear again.
6. Reform the Rules.
Sixth, reform the rules. Once the membership rolls are clean and accurately reflect your attendance, you should move carefully to reform the church’s rules, if that’s necessary. Usually that means amending or replacing the constitution or by-laws. The point to notice is that reforming the rules is actually pretty far down the timeline of reform. You might think of it as the fruit that emerges from a lotof spadework, sometimes years of spadework, that has to be done first. Once it’s done, though, it paves the way for even more beneficial reforms.
7. Recognize Elders.
Seventh, recognize elders. If your congregation was ready to change its rules to make way for a plurality of pastors, they’ll probably be ready now to recognize men to become elders. On the other hand, the specific is always harder than the abstract, and deciding which men to nominate is often a difficult decision. You may have some men in the church who will be obviously qualified to fill that role, but there will also likely be some who are almost qualified. There may also be some men whom the congregation would expect to be recognized as elders, but who actually are not qualified at all. As with every other step in the reform, you’ll need to do a good deal of teaching on the role and character of elders before you nominate a group of men.
8. Develop a Culture of Discipleship, and Build Structures to Support it.
Eighth, develop  a culture of discipleship, and build structures to support it. Once you have a group of men recognized as elders, the next step is to start building on the foundation of reform you’ve laid. That’s not just a step in a process; it’s a lifelong process of leading the church in its spiritual growth. Building a culture of discipleship is key to that growth: By example and by teaching, you want to show your congregation what being a Christian is all about, and how the church functions in helping Christians to grow.
Not only so, but you should build structures that will support that culture of discipleship. Different churches do this in different ways, of course. At my church, we have a structure of home groups that support discipleship for about eighty five percent of our members. Other churches rely on other structures. The important thing to remember is that discipleship doesn’t just happen; it has to be led and supported.
9. Preach the Word.
Ninth, preach the Word. We end where we began. The most fundamental step in church reform—and it’s more than a step; it’s what underlies and pervades everything—is to make sure the Word of God is being proclaimed and applied to every area of the church’s life. When the membership is cleaned up, the rules are reformed, the officers are elected, and the discipleship structures are in place, what’s left is a lifetime of preaching the Word and praying that God would cause growth. We can plant and we can water, but if there is to be life, it will only be by God’s gracious power.
I’ve given you a set of numbered steps here, and they are roughly the steps we followed as we were working to reform Third Avenue Baptist in Louisville. But of course, a church isn’t a machine, and church reform isn’t a matter of just clicking parts into place. Different situations may call for a different order of steps, and that’s where pastoral wisdom comes in. In the end, reforming a church is much more like parenting a child than it is like building a machine. You pour yourself into the church, you love it, you serve it, you instruct, and you lead it—and you pray all along that God will mature it into a vibrant, living witness to his Son.

1. Be Patient

Church reform does not happen within weeks, months, but years. Be patient. Love God's people.

2. Preach the Word

Let the Word of God be the ignites church reform. Preach expositionally through books of the Bible. Preach on Church Discipline, the Church, Membership, Discipleship, Evangelism. "Marks of a Christian" Lessons from the book of 1 John. "Pastoral Reflections on Church Ministry" Lessons from the book of 1 Timothy. "Who is Jesus Christ" Studies from the Book of Mark.

3. Create a Culture of Discipleship

Model discipleship through your own life. Spend time with people. Eat with people. Pray with people. Call people. Invest in people. Read the Word with people.

4. Create a culture of Evangelism

Intentionally pray and engage non-Christians. This includes my personal family members, friends, kids and parents at future america.

5. Serve the Community

Think about creative ways to outreach to the community. Community picnics? 4th of July Events? Memorial day events? BBQs?

6. Fight the major battles, not minors.

Don't fight the secondary issues within the church. Be discerning in which issues to tackle.

7. Pray your heart out.

Only God can grant reform through His Word by the power of the Holy Spirit. God desires to answer my prayer for his glory to be known and shown. God desires all men to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ (1 Tim 2:1-7). 

I just finished reading Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching and am reminded of some very important truths for ministry.

1. Suffering is guaranteed in ministry.

If the Lord Jesus Christ, the disciples, the apostle Paul, Timothy, Silas, and Titus suffered, why in the world would I think that ministry would be one of comfort and ease? There are times where I go through great discouragement, depression, feelings of abandonment, inadequacy, failure, hurt, sorrow in ministry where I just want to say "I quit!" And I feel like such a wimp because I've only been on staff for a little over a year! Although I have been Christian for about 7 years, my ministry is barely beginning, which entails more trials and afflictions.

2. Preach with Authority

Paul tells Titus, "Exhort and Rebuke with all Authority" (Tit. 2:15). He also tells Timothy that all scripture is profitable for "teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work" (2 Tim. 3:16-17). I must preach with authority because God's Word is authoritative. God does not give us suggestions to follow, but commands to follow.

3. We are clay pots entrusted with a glorious gospel

John MacArthur writes, "Preachers are men-that's all" and "we are common containers for the most humble and most dirty uses; we are never, ever fit, in and of ourselves, to be brought into public. That's how it is in the ministry. Our only value is as containers. It's the treasure that we bring that has the value." In other words, I'm nothing in myself containing the glorious gospel. As MacArthur puts it, "We have this treasure in a garbage can, a waste bucket." This is profound because I can be prideful in ministry, but I need to remind myself that I am only a garbage can displaying a glorious gospel treasure.

I'm currently  reading Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching and gathered many insightful thoughts.

1. The Word of God must be central to ministry

A reminder that God still communicates to us today through his written Word. Preachers, then, must labor to preach the word accurately in its historical-grammatical, literary, syntactical, authorial, and proper contexts.

2. The Word of God must affect the preacher first before it affects the hearers

Joel Beeke argues that expository preaching is not just running commentary or sound exegesis. The preacher must experience himself what he is trying to communicate. It other words, preachers need to be authentic in their preaching. He argues we can cultivate a heart for God by meditation on the word, prayer, journaling, and other various means of grace.

3. The Word of God must be communicated through simplicity and illustrations

R.C. Sproul argued that Luther was an effective preacher because he used illustrations that even children could understand. "Illustrate, Illustrate, Illustrate" was his motto. We must illustrate abstract concepts through concrete pictures and symbols and our observations of the world.

4. Preach through Consecutive Books of the Bible

This will allow the "whole counsel of God" to be preached and help avoid preacher's hobby horses. I want to preach through 1 John in the future.

5. Preaching is foolishness to the unbeliever

We must remember we preach Christ and Him crucified (1 Cor 2:2). Preaching will offend those who reject the Lordship of Christ. We seek to be faithful and trust God for the results. Preaching the Word is analogous to farming. Farmers need to continue to sow the word in spite of seeing lack of fruit. God will ultimately cause the growth in his timing.