1. I love studying ancient philosophy, specificially the concept of Eudaimonia, or human flourishing. This is derived from the Hebrew Scriptures of learning to love wisdom
  2. I love reading books, Gospel-Saturated, Cross-Centered, God-Glorifying, God-Exalting devotionals that exalts the magnificence and beauty of Jesus Christ
  3. I love reading the Bible when I am free from constraints
  4. I like solitude to spend time with God and have thoughtful reflection
  5. I love being captivated by the love of God, knowing that He is with me
  6. I love listening to podcasts while I run: John MacArthur, John Piper, Tim Keller, Apologetics, Ravi Zacharias
  7. I love "Faith Seeking Understanding"
  8. I love school! Classes in Biblical Discipleship, Apologetics, Philosophy of Religion, Exegesis, Virtue, etc.
  9. Spiritual Formation and the forming of Christ in me

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