(image from cnet.com)

I have a personal confession. I waste a lot of time with technology. A lot. It is amazing how technology and social media have revolutionized how we live, communicate, and play in this generation. On some days, one of the first things I reach for in the morning is my iphone to check the time, my email, bank accounts, social media, and blogs. On some days, I then proceed to read my Bible on my ipad. And then after Bible reading, I proceed to open my laptop to check out emails (again), bank accounts (again), blogs (again), facebook (again).  After I begin to read to prepare sermons, my mind wanders off and I begin checking out emails (again), bank accounts (again), blogs (again), facebook (again). I eat lunch, and then check my phone for emails (again), bank accounts (again), blogs (again), facebook (again), and a couple text messages. Dinner happens with the family. We put our daughter down for bed. The cycle repeats itself with technology after we have our free time. In fact, I'm writing this blog on my computer to post on social media!  I am aware of the dangers of technology and everyone knows how smartphones and  social media have actually made some of us more stupid and anti-social. Irony?  I been noticing this pattern in my life and I do not like it. Social media can bring great blessings if used properly, but also bring great curses if used improperly. Didn't Jesus say "where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (6:21). I believe if Jesus was preaching the Sermon on the Mount today, he would also say, "where your time is, there your heart will be also." Proverbs 25:28 says, "A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls." In the ancient world, walls protected the city from foreign invaders and I believe this verse is teaching us to set up proper boundaries so that we can live in a way that honors God. I have been reflecting on how technology and social media have been affecting our spiritual lives over the past few months and I believe it is VERY important for Christians to know how to honor God with our technology. I even preached a sermon on it (Social Media and the Gospel at CFBC). The sermon was more for me than for the congregation. In the coming days, I hope to reflect on how technology and social media affects our relationship with God, relationship with others, and ourselves. Technology can be idolatrous if not stewarded properly. Technology is a great servant, but a horrible master. I hope to write and blog more on this topic concerning how technology affects our worship, communication, time, family, friendships, and church involvement. I'm writing this because I know I need to repent and ask the Lord to help me glorify Him with my time and technology (Ps. 90:12).

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