1. Devote yourself to prayer for the lost (1 timothy 2).

I need to pray for the salvation of my unbelieving family, friends, leaders, and officials.

2. Be aware that every deed, whether good or bad, will be expose (1 timothy 5:24-25)

God sees all my secret sins. I cannot hide from him and everything will be found out. I should confess my sins to God, repent, and walk in the light. I must be rich in good deeds in secret, not doing evil deeds in secret. I must learn to pray, give, fast, and hunger for righteousness in secret.

3. The Goal of Paul's teaching was love (1 timothy 1:5)

It comes from a pure heart, clear conscience, and sincere faith. What is bothering my conscience right now and how can I cleanse myself from the defilement of my flesh?

4. God uses honorable vessels ( 2 timothy 2:21)

Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work. How do you become a honorable vessel? (v.22) Flee youth lusts (sex, pride, greed, power) and pursue righteousness (purity, service, compassion), faith (reading God's word and prayer), (service to my neighbor and sincere obedience to God) love, and peace (reconciliation with my neighbors, asking forgiveness, confession of sins, and repentance of sin).

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