John MacArthur preached this morning in Chapel from 1 Thessalonians 2:1-14. Very simple, yet profound and powerful message that made me want to live a life of integrity.

(1) Boldness in Gospel Preaching (v.2)

We do not water down the gospel message to make it more relevant to an unbelieving and sinful culture. If you want to be successful in ministry, you must make a commitment to preach the gospel even in the midst of opposition, hostility, and rejection.

(2) Integrity in Motive (v. 3)

There was no error or deceit or impurity in Paul's ministry. He was examined by God (2 Cor. 4:2, 5:11). We do not water down the content of what we preach and we must examine our motives in how we live.

(3) Purity in Behavior and Heart (v. 4)

The Gospel is a sacred trust that has been confirmed by the Seminary, Church, and God's Word. God examines our hearts and He is our Witness. God is witness to everything I do even when no one else sees.

(4) Gentleness in Ministry (v. 6-7)

Paul did not abuse his authority. How gentle was he? Like a nursing mother. An intimate picture of his love for the church.

(5) Gentleness in Affection (v. 8)

The theassalonians became very dear to him in heart. People need to know that you sacrificially love them. Success is determined by how low you can go and what can meet their needs and how willing you are to lay down your life for them.

(6) Diligence in Labor (v. 9)

Paul worked not to be a burden to the church. Sunday Message is not enough. You must toil night and day to serve the people of God.

(7) Holiness in Behavior (v.10)

Our lives must be open books. We must be transparent. There is no compromise in our ministry and our selves.

(8) Faithfulness in Care (v. 11-12)

A Fatherly care that exhorts, encourages, and commands.

(9) Humility in Attitude (v. 12-13)

Everything Paul did was for the glory of God. Paul was effectually called by God to give glory to God.

This results in a fruitful ministry (v. 13-14). Lord, please cleanse me from the defilements of my flesh and make me useful for your glory by your grace. In Christ name, amen.

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