Taken from John Stott's Contemporary Christian...
1. Know the Sheep
Know them by name. Open your home to them. Greet them. Acknowledge them. Pray for them.
2.Serve the Sheep
This means strengthening the weak, healing the sick, binding up the injured and bringing back the straying.
3. Lead the Sheep
Walk in front of them, call them, and lead by example. We must set a consistent and reliable example.
4. Feed the Sheep
Feed them through the Word of God. Pastors eat, live, and breathe Bible. And Pastors are suppose to give the Sheep Sound Doctrine from the Bible. Jesus told Peter to "Feed my sheep."
5. Oversee the Sheep
Sheep need guidance. They need direction. Be a pastor of vision.
6. Guard the Sheep
Shepherds watch out for false prophets. He is aware of wolves dressed in sheep clothing. Pastors protect people from error. They guard sound doctrine.
7. Seek Lost Sheep
In other words, do evangelism! Christ seeks the lost, so must we!
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thank you for leading in our home and in the ministry God has entrusted to you. love you :)