In The Shepherd Leader by Timothy Witmer, he argues that Shepherds must know their sheep. If I am going to be a pastor, then I must know the people I pastor. It seems overwhelming to think of this sometimes because I feel like I can't go after every member. But I guess this is why there must be a plurality of leadership to go after people together. I was rebuked in this reading because I have been negligent in caring for the sheep. I focus all my attention on new believers that I neglect the sheep under the care of CFBC. Lord, please forgive me for not caring for your sheep. Here are some practical applications on my reflections on knowing the sheep.

1. Repent.
2. Know who is or who is not on your membership roll.
3. Call people. Ask how they are doing? Prayer requests>
4. Share the load with the deacons/elders.

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