An Idol is anything you find satisfication, joy, acceptance, significance, and worth that is not God.
I'm trying to be aware of my own idolatrous heart and how Christ can only meet my need through his death. In Christ, I am satisfied, joyful, accepted, significant, and worth.
Some idolatries I struggle with:
The Idol of Acceptance from Academics
If only I can get that degree, I'll be sastisfied and happy.....
The Idol Preaching
If only people are blessed with my preaching, I'll find my worth....
The Idol of Ministry
If only the people would grow to love Jesus, I'll feel significant....
The Idol of Morality
If only I do not sin and live a holy life, I'll feel like I have lived up to the Christian life...
All these things are good things, but when they become ultimate things and take the place of God, they will kill me and leave me emptied.
I am accepted, significant, worthy, and adored because Christ loved me and gave himself for me at the cross. He gave me his righteousness and I am fully accepted in Him. Why do I need to turn to these other idols that only destroy me?
amen amen. thanks for the reminder to examine the heart!