Most seminary students go through a dry spell when the Bible is not fun and edifying to read anymore. What has happened is that the student creates a dichotomy between his academic life and spiritual life. Greek Exegesis, Grammar, and Philosophy becomes an academic discipline that is separated from the heart. This is very dangerous in seminary because the mind gets disconnected from the heart and vice versa. I need to rethink how I study at school, for all of life should be worship, including academic studies.

How do I worship God in Introduction to Exegesis?
  • Read the Word Reverently
  • Pray before class and ask for the Spirit's help
  • Seek to understand the true meaning of the text
  • Seek the long term goal and benefits of studying Greek rather than the now, the payoff is great.

How do I worship God in Philosophy?
  • How does God's attributes affect my spiritual life? (Self-Existence: God does not need us, Cosmological: God is immensely powerful, Teleological: God is immensely wise, Ontological: God is Necessary, Immutability: God does not change, Moral: God is the True, Good, and Beautiful
All of life needs to be an act of worship to God, whether tutoring, greek homework, resting, singing, fellowshipping, washing dishes, watching movies, an act of gratitude towards the merciful and loving Creator.

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