Job 13:15 Though He Slay Me, Yet I Will Hope in Him

I have been reading God is the Gospel by John Piper. It is really encouraging because it destroys false misunderstandings of the nature of true love. The reason why Christ died was not to make much of Alex Hong, but Christ died so that I would make much of God. Alex Hong was not the ultimate cause of Jesus brutal crucifixion, burial, and resurrection; but rather Jesus' death, burial and resurrection assures me now that I can make much of God guilt free. I have access to the Father through the Son by the Holy Spirit to exalt God! This truth should free the soul from self (John 8:32). How I need this. Everything in my fallen nature craves the approval of man, self-centerness, lustful cravings, idolatry. The only thing that will cure sin is to see the light of the gospel of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. God has to send beams of light into my heart so that the chains of darkness and sin will fall off. Sin will lose its attraction when the Holy Spirit in me exalts and magnifies the Son. O Lord, Grant this and do this. Make your Son beautiful in my heart so that the world, its desires, and the flesh will fade away. Sin is utterly destructive because it breaks fellowship with you and betrays you. It trades infinite eternal joy for trash that cannot satisfy. Break the chain Lord and free me to love you for your own sake and nothing else. See if there is any wicked way in me and I pray that I would not love your gifts, but I would love the Giver. Give me eyes to see.

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