- Can food Drive
- Sponsor a Child (Start Next Friday)
- Go out and hand out tracks
- Christmas boxes for children and mothers
- Homeless Ministry Skid Row
- Baby Sitting Club
I'm ready to start living radically for Jesus. I have seen so many people in church that are dying of complacency and I see myself headed down that road. Francis Chan's message really convicted me to live FOR Christ. Count all things as loss in the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus. Join with Jesus and embrace suffering for the glory of God. God, take me alongside of you and teach me. I am going to run to you know by ACTING, not just hearing. Francis gave a really good illustration about American Theology: "We have bible studies on how to obey...", "What if I told my daughter to clean her room, and she told me 'I'm going to memorize your words' or 'I'm going to have a group study of what that looks like'". But that illustration hit home to what is going on the church now. We are dying because we do not apply the word. God give me a radical humility and radical heart for service. I pray that your Spirit moves in me to move out into the uncomfortable, that you might be able to comfort me. Bible study will seem a lot more beneficial when we are coming back broken from stepping out in faith. God, let's do this by your strength. I want to really KNOW you. I really want to feel your presence. THESE WORDS MEAN NOTHING IF THEY ARE NOT ACCOMPANIED BY ACTION. GOD HELP ME ACT NOW. TODAY, IS THE DAY. DO NOT LET ME PUT IT OFF. HELP ME LIVE RADICALLY AND EMBRACE OPPOSITION.
- Homeless Ministry
- Union Rescue Mission
- World Vision
- CFBC Local Church
- Philippines Relief Fund
- God show me the way, give me ears to hear the suffering and worship you in the midst of it.
Going to seminary, I face an incredible danger to my soul. Service can sometimes come before the master. I have been listening to some good exhortations and I really want to start living out my faith. I think it is so easy to become dull in hearing, becoming only "hearers of the word" and not "doers." I really do not want to die in complacency, but move out in action. I have been listening to some really good Randy Alcorn sermons on breaking the god of materialism:
- God increases our wealth not to increase our standard of living, but increase our standard of giving
- Giving shows where your heart really is
- Giving is actually "sending it off to the bank of heaven" rather than on earth where moth and rust destroy.
- God knows my heart and has a way better plan.
Listening to Piper sermons are always a blessing. It takes a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit that Christ died not to make much of me, but to make much of God. This goes against our natural instincts because we naturally think that happiness comes from our exaltation, people loving us, people praising us, people affirming us. However, the Bible is a radically God-centered book, where God is the being that needs to be praised, affirmed, exalted, loved. God is so zealous to be made much of that He would crucify his only beloved Son. The Son died so that the Father would be exalted. The Son redeemed that the Father would be made much. The Spirit is given that would help believers make much of the Father. I am blind to this glorious truth, Open my eyes that I behold your wondrous works. Make much of Yourself through Jesus Christ I pray, Amen