I need to learn how to rest in the Lord. Ministry can be so demanding and challenging sometimes. Service can be duty rather than delight. Worship becomes religion rather than heart felt gratitude to the God of the universe. Jesus would always spend time with His Father, to maintain that intimacy within Him. How I need to learn to rest and be like Mary who sat at the Lord's feet just listening and delighting in His majesty. I have forgotten how to just marvel at God. I should be thankful for all the gifts he has bestowed upon me, yet I am ungrateful and cold. Please forgive me for my coldness Lord. I need to see the great things you have done for me again, that I might serve you out of gratitude and delight rather than hypocrisy and duty. Fill me again with you Holy Spirit Lord, please help me overcome my sin. Not by my works, or exertion of will, but teach me to fight by HEARING OF FAITH in the one who loved me and gave himself for me. Bring me back to the cross Lord. This message should never get dull. Help me see the reality of it and what you have accomplished. Bless our gathering tomorrow as we hear your word. Help us hear with faith.

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