Robert Murray McCheyene: “My people’s greatest need is what? My personal holiness.”
"When we say to you, my dear brethren, take care of your life, we mean be careful of even the minutiae of your character. Avoid little debts, unpunctuality, gossiping nicknaming, petty quarrels, and all other of those little vices which fill the ointment with flies. The self-indulgences which have lowered the repute of many must not be tolerated by us. The famimliarities which have laid others under suspicion, we must chastely avoid. The roughness which have rendered some obnoxious, and the fopperies which have made others contemptible, we must put away. We cannot afford to run great risks through little things. Our care must be to act on the rule, "giving no offense in anything, that the ministry be not blamed...Even in your recreations, remember that you are ministers. When you are off the parade you are still officers in the army of Christ, and as such demean yourselves. But if the lesser things must be looked after, how careful should you be in the great matters of morality, honesty, and integrity! Here the minister must not fail. His private life must ever keep good tune with his inistry, or his day will soon set with him, and the sooner he reitres the better, for his continuances in his office will only dishonor the cause of God and ruin himself." Lecture 1
A pastor cannot neglect to watch his own life. A very loving brother of mine once texted me this verse,
"Dead flies make the perfumer's ointment give off a stench;
so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor " (Ecclesiastes 10:1 ESV)
There is no such things as little sins. Little sins that go unconfessed, hidden, and unrepented of will destroy me, my ministry, and cause Satan to blaspheme my Lord who died for me. I cannot keep abusing the grace of God. The grace of God should motivate me to holiness, not licentiousness. I may build people up with my teaching, but I may destroy them by how they view my life. The Lord's work is serious business.
Father in Heaven,
Forgive me for sinning against You, and only You. Whom do I have in Heaven but You? Lord, forgive me for my folly, indulgences in the flesh, impatience, gossip, and tolerating evil within my soul. Help me see Christ crucified once again for these sins. Help me be holy because you are holy. Help live out my identity as your child, in holiness, righteousness, and truth. Help me repent of my hypocrisy in the private moments. Help me repent of my lack of love for my very own family. Help me repent of my gossip and slander and obscene talk from my mouth. Help me repent of any unknown sins and may I walk in your light. Protect me from the Evil One by your Spirit.
In Jesus Name,